– 20 billion dollar Midwest Company
We can help you with the day-to-day needs of your packaging. We have a wide array of packaging solutions, both off-the-shelf and custom made that can help your operation run the most efficiently and effectively.
We are a one-stop shop and beyond the sale of equipment, our technicians will also service your equipment. Many companies who sell similar equipment do not have the resources or expertise to service retail equipment. This leads to more, unnecessary expense for your company. CES prides itself on knowing its equipment inside and out.
Our factory trained expert technicians allow you to reduce equipment downtime and maintain the flow of operations. This in turn gives you peace of mind.
When working in a large-scale food business, the quality, safety and consistency of your food are paramount to the success of your company. Our equipment allows you to get the most out of your operations through more efficient, safer and cleaner processes. In the end, we save you money, protect your employees and increase your margin.